Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mark Twain Award had WAAAAAY more fun than you did this winter

Scan the ocean waves, and a feeling of timeless serenity descends upon you, the soothing, timeless rhythm of the -- hold on! -- what's MARK TWAIN AWARD doing there?!
Oh I get it: While the rest of us were endlessly chipping away at our ice-encased sidewalks, Twain was basking in the FLORIDA SUN with TELEGRAPH HERALD FEATURES EDITOR JIM SWENSON and his wife KRISTEN.

Well, they had a nice time from the looks of things. There's plenty of sand, discarded clothing... suntan lotion... towels... clothes again... shoes... more... clothes... no hint of any swimsui-- hey! What kind of a beach *WAS* this anyway?
Come to think of it, Twain did return with no visible tan lines.

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